Author Archives: believerswordcentre

Pastor EA Adeboye-One Of Richest Pastors .

images EA AdeboyePastor Adeboye is rich because he is great. He is great because his name is associated with solutions to problems! In simpler terms, Pastor Adeboye is rich because he solves problems (whether you believe the problem solving part or not is irrelevant).

If you are like many of the people who post online (especially on Nairaland), I know you are already about to close this page. You came wanting to read a revelation about some scam or secret cult or something. You probably came to read this to pull the pastor down. If that applies to you, you better read what I am going to say next. It is not religious, just plain logic and Economics.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye is responsible- directly or indirectly- for the jobs of thousands of people. Think about the number of staff in Redeemer’s University. Add those of the primary and secondary schools scattered across Nigeria. How about those who work in Redemption Camp, a town with estates, a clinic, mini markets… How about those who sell his tapes and books (which sell in thousands every day)?

And of course, if you say he is just deceiving people, are the hundreds of thousands who visit Redemption Camp every month stupid? If you are underestimating his role, just remember that unlike the US and other advanced countries, Nigerians don’t go to psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers when they have problems. Some of them can’t even afford healthcare. All their emotional and psychological problems are dumped on God. And of course, God is usually represented by the pastor. So when the president insists he has to remove their fuel subsidy for instance, the only thing most of them can do is to cry to God and wait for Sunday to hear soothing words. Little wonder Nigerians are happy even in the midst of suffering.

The long and short of it- Pastor Adeboye is solving the problems of millions of people. He doesn’t have to touch their tithes or offerings. His name alone attracts value such that anything that is associated with him sells. Of course, it is also normal that he would be the beneficiary of generous offerings without having to solicit for them.

My advice to you is this: before you sit with a computer and criticize him for “using a jet while many of his church members are suffering”, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How many people have I employed?
  2. How many schools have I started?
  3. Have I built a university?
  4. What is the human value of my name (or how many people will respond when they hear my name)?
  5. My company (or product): is it everywhere? (The Redeemed Christian Church of God is in almost every street in Nigeria and is probably the largest church network in the world.
  6. What have I sacrificed to achieve my dreams? (Pastor Adeboye graduated with first class honours in Mathematics and has a PHD. He however left lecturing and started Redemption Camp when the whole area was a forest. Because of him, that entire area is developed now.)

My suggestion? If you can’t meet up, shut up and get to work! There are indeed pastors that are ripping their congregations off. But wealth is not necessarily a testimony of fraud. Stop “beefing” rich people. If you keep envying them, you will never be rich.

Signs And Wonders At Prophet Makandiwa Services

Great things are happening in Zimbabwe.Followers of United Family International Church founder Emmanuel Makandiwa were left stunned after the charismatic clergyman performed several miracles including delivering instant healing to sick congregants.

There are so many miracles that has happened at United Family International ministries (UFI) ,People who had legs which were [Prophet Emmanuel Makandiw] shorter than the other had the other one lengthed.During a radio programmes which were aired on 27th January and 3rd February2013 on a local station in Zimbabwe called Radio Zimbabwe callers jammed the switch board and confirmed the miracles that happened at UFI were real.One caller called in and said prophet Makandiwa called him from the crowd and lengthened his legs and he went home a few centimetres taller.Another caller also testified that they saw oil flowing out of their hands after the prophet prayed for them.Others called in on Radio Zimbabwe to confirmed that they saw gold dust during sunday services.

Of all the miracles that left the callers with so many questions was that of a lady who gave birth to a child after three days,the child was born on 18th November 2012.To confirm the miracle the couple came with the child to the radio and the presenter confirmed that the story was real.The couple from Chitungwiza were blessed with a child now called Emmanuel after attending a Church service and when Prophet Makandiwa prayed the young mother of three experience labor pains and had to be rushed to the hospital.She confessed by saying that she was not pregnant but only saw rapid growth of pregnancy in two days

Makandiwa has declared that the miracles were meant for people who doubted his ability to perform supernatural wonders.

“This is the new dispensation that God has ushered us into, everything was made by his creative power and the same God is in this place today,” he said.

“Legs will grow, teeth will come out, some with extra fat will instantly lose weight, those bald heads will receive hair, and some of you will find gold at your houses.

“I see some people going on for months with their groceries resurfacing and some fuel gauges increasing while you drive,” Makandiwa declared

He also said others would criticise these miracles and their significance “but what good is a miracle when you are used to it?

“Why did Jesus Christ walk on water when he could use the available boats?

“Why turn fish and bread into thousands while the disciple could go and buy food?

“These are not miracles, they are signs and wonders. God does them to prove a point,” he added.

Soon after, a woman who had back pain and uneven legs was immediately called to the podium and she was prayed for with instant visual changes of her left leg stretching up to the size of her right leg.

The congregation then went ecstatic with spontaneous miracles happening with some receiving gold and diamond pieces in their hands.

Makandiwa said the incident was going to generate heated debate among non-believers, but said he would not be moved by criticisms.

A pastor from UFI was there to confirm that with Jesus all things are possible.Live videos and pictures are available at .Services of UFI are held at a local Sports Arena in Harare,Zimbabwe where 30 000 members gather every sunday.

Preparations for the Mega Praise 2012 At An Advanced Stage




Or Contact Pastor Mike 0772 817 429

Preparations for the Mega Praise 2012 At An Advanced Stage




2012 ManWorld Convention with Prophets’ E Makandiwa and Ubert Angel

ManWorld Convetion.

Date: August 22-25, 2012

Place: City Sports Centre, Harare

Contact: +263 774 389 281, +263 779 548 825

Makandiwa gets green light from Chitungwiza municipality

reprinted with additions from Nehanda Radio

A man walks past church building near Chitungwiza Town Centre built by Prophet Makandiwa’s UFIC. Photo courtesy of Nehanda Radio.

The Chitungwiza municipality has cleared Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa’s United Family International Church to complete construction of its mega church in the town.“Council also acknowledged and accepted your application for the allocation of 19770 in retrospect, where you are already constructing a church. Council has also agreed that you continue your developments on stand number 19770 as the regularisation process continues,” Chitungwiza Municipality acting town clerk, Fungai Mbetsa, wrote to UFIC lawyers, Mushangwe and Company. “I want to thank your client [Prophet Makandiwa] for his continued support for the growth of Chitungwiza Municipality,” he added.

Mbetsa invited UFIC to submit a building plan of stand number 19770 for approval whose fees will be determined by the building inspector. Since the planned use of the stand was recreational open space, Mbetsa said UFIC was required to undertake change of use procedures through a certified copy of ownership of the property.Zengeza East legislator Mr Alexio Musundire (MDC-T) recently lost a High Court bid to stop construction of the church. The Environmental Management Agency has also tried to stop construction arguing that the building was sited on a wetland.

100 000 Thousands Gather For “Judgement Night” With Prophet Makandiwa

100 000 Thousands of Christians gathered for a special Good Friday Night Program dubbed “Judgment Night” in Zimbabwe.True to the bible verse read on the night “2Ki 23:22 Truly, such a Passover had not been kept in all the days of the judges of Israel or of the kings of Israel or the kings of Judah”.Such an event celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has never  being held in Harare,Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has  a population of about 12 Million no Man of God has taken a centre stage like Prophet Makandiwa.Before the program there was a lot of controversy about the prophecies he had said about Zimbabwe,there was anxiety and tension before the program.According to him he said “It is difficult to prophesy to Zimbabweans. They misinterpret the prophecy. If you cannot interpret prophecy, do other things. There are many other things one can do.”

Who is Prophet Makandiwa?

According to their website Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa aged  34 received a great calling from God for GLOBAL Ministry and this has been the thrust and fuel which has put all things in place for U.F.I to go beyond the borders of Zimbabwe and Africa to reach the uttermost parts of the world. The Man of God has received and continues to receive great revelations from God combined with the unusual ability to rightly divide and teach the word of God with such accuracy and precision worthy of an International Minister for the kingdom of God who is and will be noted among the Great Man of God in the world in this era. This revelation continues to reveal and bring a better understanding of the word of God and reveal new truths to anyone who hears the messages. The Man of God has been appointed by God as a Prophet to the nation of Zimbabwe and beyond her borders. Prophet Makandiwa has given numerous, true and accurate prophecies into the lives of many individuals proving that he is indeed a true Prophet send by God to the nations.

Prophet E Makandiwa and wife  Pastor Ruth Makandiwa have a great passion to support Widows, Orphans and the underprivileged. This has been a great thrust and has fuelled all other charity initiatives done by the ministry and will be the driving force behind developing orphanages, schools and hospitals to support society and the less privileged.Prophet E Makandiwa holds two Sunday services in Harare,Zimbabwe with an attendance of more than 20 000 in each service.

On Judgement Night Prophet Makandiwa reminded the congregants that Africa is a blessed continent .He also said that  Zimbabwe was on the heart of God and it is a blessed nation.Prophet also said that people need to understand that Christianity in Africa is totally different from other continents because of witchcraft and traditional beliefs.

Prophet Makandiwa was also joined by his spiritual partner Prophet Ebert Angel in Ministering to the sick and afflicted.The program ended after 6am after he had made some prophecies and declarations of faith.He prayed for all the people who attended and surely all the people were blessed.Spiritual matters were judged on that Night and all enemies of Christians poverty,diseases and all roots of evil were declared dead on that night.





Positioned on the very tip of Africa where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans collide, Pastor Chris will be delivering a message of faith, hope and love to the world. Known around the world for healing miracles, television programs and pastoring thousands of Churches under the Christ Embassy banner, Pastor Chris is a man who has allowed God to work through him and in him in ministering the Gospel message.

The stage is set at the foot of the famous Table Mountain in the 65 000 seater capacity Cape Town Stadium, where Ministering Angels and teaching from the Word will produce a spiritual revolution in the lives of all those who attend.

If you have ever thought that there must be more to the Christian walk than you are experiencing right now, if you need to know God’s love power, God’s healing power and the reality of God in you, then this conference is for you.

Come and experience the Higher Life!!

What is the Higher Life Conference?

God has a plan and purpose for every person, and when we hear and receive His Word into our spirits we see the fullness of that plan unfold. The Higher Life Conference is three days of teaching from Pastor Chris that will expand, reveal and in some cases completely renew your understanding of God and the Christian life.

This program is dedicated to revealing the beautiful, uncensored, blissful love that God has for you. It is dedicated to revealing to you the realities of the miraculous life given to you as a believer. This program is a proclamation of Truth, a confirmation of love, an awakening to healing, a deposit of wisdom and a beckoning to the glorious life given to you in Christ.

