Monthly Archives: February 2013

Pastor EA Adeboye-One Of Richest Pastors .

images EA AdeboyePastor Adeboye is rich because he is great. He is great because his name is associated with solutions to problems! In simpler terms, Pastor Adeboye is rich because he solves problems (whether you believe the problem solving part or not is irrelevant).

If you are like many of the people who post online (especially on Nairaland), I know you are already about to close this page. You came wanting to read a revelation about some scam or secret cult or something. You probably came to read this to pull the pastor down. If that applies to you, you better read what I am going to say next. It is not religious, just plain logic and Economics.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye is responsible- directly or indirectly- for the jobs of thousands of people. Think about the number of staff in Redeemer’s University. Add those of the primary and secondary schools scattered across Nigeria. How about those who work in Redemption Camp, a town with estates, a clinic, mini markets… How about those who sell his tapes and books (which sell in thousands every day)?

And of course, if you say he is just deceiving people, are the hundreds of thousands who visit Redemption Camp every month stupid? If you are underestimating his role, just remember that unlike the US and other advanced countries, Nigerians don’t go to psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers when they have problems. Some of them can’t even afford healthcare. All their emotional and psychological problems are dumped on God. And of course, God is usually represented by the pastor. So when the president insists he has to remove their fuel subsidy for instance, the only thing most of them can do is to cry to God and wait for Sunday to hear soothing words. Little wonder Nigerians are happy even in the midst of suffering.

The long and short of it- Pastor Adeboye is solving the problems of millions of people. He doesn’t have to touch their tithes or offerings. His name alone attracts value such that anything that is associated with him sells. Of course, it is also normal that he would be the beneficiary of generous offerings without having to solicit for them.

My advice to you is this: before you sit with a computer and criticize him for “using a jet while many of his church members are suffering”, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How many people have I employed?
  2. How many schools have I started?
  3. Have I built a university?
  4. What is the human value of my name (or how many people will respond when they hear my name)?
  5. My company (or product): is it everywhere? (The Redeemed Christian Church of God is in almost every street in Nigeria and is probably the largest church network in the world.
  6. What have I sacrificed to achieve my dreams? (Pastor Adeboye graduated with first class honours in Mathematics and has a PHD. He however left lecturing and started Redemption Camp when the whole area was a forest. Because of him, that entire area is developed now.)

My suggestion? If you can’t meet up, shut up and get to work! There are indeed pastors that are ripping their congregations off. But wealth is not necessarily a testimony of fraud. Stop “beefing” rich people. If you keep envying them, you will never be rich.

Signs And Wonders At Prophet Makandiwa Services

Great things are happening in Zimbabwe.Followers of United Family International Church founder Emmanuel Makandiwa were left stunned after the charismatic clergyman performed several miracles including delivering instant healing to sick congregants.

There are so many miracles that has happened at United Family International ministries (UFI) ,People who had legs which were [Prophet Emmanuel Makandiw] shorter than the other had the other one lengthed.During a radio programmes which were aired on 27th January and 3rd February2013 on a local station in Zimbabwe called Radio Zimbabwe callers jammed the switch board and confirmed the miracles that happened at UFI were real.One caller called in and said prophet Makandiwa called him from the crowd and lengthened his legs and he went home a few centimetres taller.Another caller also testified that they saw oil flowing out of their hands after the prophet prayed for them.Others called in on Radio Zimbabwe to confirmed that they saw gold dust during sunday services.

Of all the miracles that left the callers with so many questions was that of a lady who gave birth to a child after three days,the child was born on 18th November 2012.To confirm the miracle the couple came with the child to the radio and the presenter confirmed that the story was real.The couple from Chitungwiza were blessed with a child now called Emmanuel after attending a Church service and when Prophet Makandiwa prayed the young mother of three experience labor pains and had to be rushed to the hospital.She confessed by saying that she was not pregnant but only saw rapid growth of pregnancy in two days

Makandiwa has declared that the miracles were meant for people who doubted his ability to perform supernatural wonders.

“This is the new dispensation that God has ushered us into, everything was made by his creative power and the same God is in this place today,” he said.

“Legs will grow, teeth will come out, some with extra fat will instantly lose weight, those bald heads will receive hair, and some of you will find gold at your houses.

“I see some people going on for months with their groceries resurfacing and some fuel gauges increasing while you drive,” Makandiwa declared

He also said others would criticise these miracles and their significance “but what good is a miracle when you are used to it?

“Why did Jesus Christ walk on water when he could use the available boats?

“Why turn fish and bread into thousands while the disciple could go and buy food?

“These are not miracles, they are signs and wonders. God does them to prove a point,” he added.

Soon after, a woman who had back pain and uneven legs was immediately called to the podium and she was prayed for with instant visual changes of her left leg stretching up to the size of her right leg.

The congregation then went ecstatic with spontaneous miracles happening with some receiving gold and diamond pieces in their hands.

Makandiwa said the incident was going to generate heated debate among non-believers, but said he would not be moved by criticisms.

A pastor from UFI was there to confirm that with Jesus all things are possible.Live videos and pictures are available at .Services of UFI are held at a local Sports Arena in Harare,Zimbabwe where 30 000 members gather every sunday.